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Old 01-19-2016, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Animal-Chin View Post
Sounds like your bi-yearly water change time! lol

I went snorkelling in cuba and it was amazing. The snorkel guide took me like a KM out and we swam through huge live rock structures full of sps. On the ocean floor was a brain coral that had to have been 3 feet wide, it made me realize that even our biggest coral are just frags in the ocean. Coral are huge in real

Also saw a black trigger fish, the thing had to have been 18 inches long! They were huge and really mean looking.

Man I want to go back now!
For sure Cuba has some really good snorkelling I also went to an amazing place on an earlier trip. I swam 2 K from the shore to a fringing reef snorkelled for an hour and then swam back. 3 hour swim in all. There was only about a foot of water on the reef when I got there but there were channels through the corals and deeper clearings so it was an very interesting time.

I know what you mean about big corals, on the Great Barrier Reef in Aus you are swimming over endless fields of coral. Brains the size of cars etc.

Last edited by soapy; 01-19-2016 at 10:09 PM.
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