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Old 01-17-2016, 07:24 PM
Fishy! Fishy! is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Regina
Posts: 81
Fishy! is on a distinguished road

Ok, after some digging this is what I have come up with.
If I were to get my hands on a 37 gallon tank: 30x12x22
If it were filled to 30x12x21 = 32.7 gallons
If I have a running height of 10" (prob high) 30x12x10=15.6 gals
Therefore 33.7-15.6=17.1gals with 1" of sump space to spare.
We (you actuall, thanks) determined my total back flow volume is 16gallons being generous.
Based off of these numbers a 37gal AGA should work? Am I missing something?
The stand will be 36-40" tall so there should be plenty of room to accommodate the height.
Thanks for tanking the time to work through this with me.
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