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Old 12-31-2015, 09:16 PM
Aquattro's Avatar
Aquattro Aquattro is offline
Just a guy..
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 18,053
Aquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the roughAquattro is a jewel in the rough

Ok, found this thing. Wow, lazy on the updates. I know, pics. I got one, crappy phone pic, will have to do.

Finally liking this tank, I see new growth daily now that I've got PO4 under control.
Made some slight changes yesterday, removed bio-pellets, added zeo back on, removed filter sock. Thinking of pulling sand for a while to stabilize nutrients.
Warren thinks I'm nuts. Perhaps.

Hoping that by July, I can't see any rock. For the most part, I've neglected this tank since day one. It was obvious.
I've recently been spending more time with it, tweaking and testing, and that too is obvious.
I hope that it continues to grow, and I can spend more enjoyable time with it rather than solving issues after they happen.
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