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Old 12-20-2015, 12:11 AM
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rsisvixen rsisvixen is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Maple Ridge/BC
Posts: 244
rsisvixen is on a distinguished road

I think we actually help the reef more than hinder.

Yes we take stuff out so most people would see that as a negative, but if it wasn't for hobbyists the reefs would be even worse off.

Without us, there wouldn't be as much research done or people that care about what happens in the reefs, there would be no attempt to understand captive breeding, propagation and reef rehabilitation.
There are now wild reef preserves to try and conserve habitat, would anyone ever have even cared if this hobby didn't exist? Its under the ocean, out of sight out of mind as the saying goes.
How many marine biologists/scientists would not be here today if there had been no saltwater hobby?
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