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Old 12-19-2015, 05:28 AM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
Posts: 1,315
daplatapus is on a distinguished road

Does me having Nemo in my tank affect a reef...? Sure. Does me having all those fancy gizmo's to keep Nemo alive impact the environment....? Sure.

Me living on this planet impacts the environment. And If I've learned one thing about the negative impact I and others have had on this planet is that the only way to minimize that impact is by education.
The problem many people have is they are ignorant of their impact on the world around them. And some just don't care. We'll have a hard time fixing those people.
Ignorance can changed. If you can get people to care about something, show them how beautiful things are that unless they dive and go see it for themselves, you may get them to care about the bigger picture. You can watch all those shows on the Love Nature channel, but seeing those same animals live has an affect on people. Although, to be sure, seeing reefs devastated by greedy buggers doesn't hurt to make people think either.
I know for a fact, many people who visit my house and see my tank think differently about the ocean and the things in it. For the most part many of them have no idea what's under there. The kids are enthralled to see a tank. Maybe teaching them may help the next generation....

But ultimately I have a tank because because I love the look of a pretty blue box in my living room.

Brad, you pot stirrer you
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