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Old 12-11-2015, 03:05 AM
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Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
Mr. H! You mentioned that you are now in the employ of an LED manufacturer.... asking a lot of questions on what LED light to get??? You should be the expert advising the rest of us!!

Funnin' aside, have you considered DIY? My home built multi-chip fixture is still going strong after quite a few years of use now. No lenses, no disco effect that I'm aware of... check out link below if you haven't already seen the build thread.

Same goes for skimmer, don't discount DIY & old school tech. I'm still rockin' with a wooden air diffuser powered home built that came with my used tank. Low power, quiet (dependent on air pump) and as efficient as any of the new fangled stuff out there. Granted, it is located beside the display, but I have a good drain on the cup going into a 2 liter pop bottle & a bucket just in case, although never had an overflow on the floor yet.
Haha. Well that's the reason, in technical terms, kessil made more sense to me and will probably be going that way. But it is always nice to get input from people about their experience with individual fixtures and sometimes, numbers and real life experience varies. Plus I work in a completely different market which is very far away from aquarium industry

Appreciate your input. DIY would probably be easy to assemble/make since I have access to LED chips from high CRI bins and the equipment needed but getting everything sorted out will probably be more tiresome than its worth putting the effort for such a small tank. Bigger tanks: definitely worth the effort. If I can DIY, it will definitely be a great experience and now that you have mentioned, I will probably give some thoughts to it Same goes for the DIY skimmer. Thanks

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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