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Old 10-21-2015, 06:01 PM
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smokinreefer smokinreefer is offline
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my building skills are... functional only...
I will have to buy something turn key for sure!

That Reefbrite MH/LED hybrid is interesting... that's the first one I've seen.
though I would want it to have more LEDs, but that particular one is a little more industrial looking than I would want.

Yes, i'm thinking if I go MH ,it would have to be DE simply for the size of the fixture required.

but... I just realized, if I do not put a hood on the tank, would the light spill be too bothersome considering we would be sitting down at the dining table next to it???

i'd like to keep things as sleek and simple as possible, but we shall see I guess, I don't want people to be blinded while eating lol.
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