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Old 10-06-2015, 08:08 PM
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Skimmer Juice Skimmer Juice is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: calgary/alberta
Posts: 871
Skimmer Juice is on a distinguished road

I assumed the boards were slow due to the time of year but also think the boards slowed down when the buy/sell rules changed. I know of a couple members that quit coming on here at that point . Also been reading about people leaving the hobby/not enjoying it anymore quit a bit. To be honest this is my main forum I go to reef central once in a while to read through the shallow tank club thread and the pipefish/seahorse thread as there is not much pipefish activity on here . Discussion can get burned out when there is limited activity IMO I'm sure it will pick up . Also agree that topics have reached a point where a lot of info can be found by googling , when I started the info was not out there like it is now . To be honest even though the questions may get repetitive it's still better to ask in a thread as you may find out something you were not directly looking for . Im just glad after 11 years in the hobby Im still excited as ever with the hobby , really hope that the day where the hobby does not interest me at all never comes .
stuff happens when you go outside
Im a hustler / I'll hop in the ocean / sell a whale a splash
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