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Old 08-11-2015, 07:16 AM
IanWR IanWR is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Martensville, Sk
Posts: 148
IanWR is on a distinguished road

Sorry to hear about the bumpy road this build took. Forgive me if I am misunderstanding, but your scopas got ick (and died?) and you have the clowns in QT, but you moved other fish and coral to the 35g RSM? Wouldn't that guarantee the the RSM has ick now? It's also very late, so I may be missing something obvious.

In any event, you must have the patience of Job to continue after this roller coaster of a tank build. I'd feel like throwing in the towel if I had to go through this! I hope things settle down with your next one.
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