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Old 04-21-2015, 07:17 PM
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WarDog WarDog is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Very nice frags, but you're going to run out of room once they start growing! That's the dilemma I have right now. Lots of frags I would like to buy but nowhere to put them in my DT...

And a bit of advice on that,... don't have any mushrooms or palys in your tank with your SPS. They will take over, and crowd out the SPS, at least on the lower levels. And no way to get rid of them, trust me, I have tried everything. They are a worse plague than aiptasia, valonia, GHA, or anything else that I have encountered.

Anyway, good luck, you certainly have the making of a great looking tank.
Thanks! I hear you on the softies and palys. Zero plans for adding them. I do have 4 pieces of LPS that will probably be removed once the sps starts growing in. I just had to have the rastas and I am also considering some utter chaos and pink hippos too, but I want to secluded them on their own island or tree. I think I am setting myself up for an upgrade lol! The wife is starting to show a lot of interest so hopefully that will work in my favour!
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