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Old 04-13-2015, 04:23 PM
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corpusse corpusse is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 394
corpusse is on a distinguished road

I always reuse sand. Having moved my garden eel tank I had well over 300lbs of sand I wasn't going to just throw away. That being said I treat old sand exactly the same as new sand. New sand is hell to rinse. Old sand is no different. I rinse it in the sink or outside with the hose if the weather is nice. Lots and lots and lots of tap water. Then rinsed in ro then salt water then in the tank and cloudy like new sand despite the massive rinsing it's rarely enough. If you want to seed the sand keep a cup before you rinse it and add that to the top but imo it's not needed.
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