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Old 03-28-2015, 02:11 PM
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Polscot Polscot is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 118
Polscot is on a distinguished road
Default 5 year update

sadly after about 5 years my peacock died he had a bad molt, so im restarting the tank into a clown heaven, I will be putting various anemones into it and i have a couple designer clowns, system has been running steady with extremely low maintenance for 5-6 years now

A few tank photos I will add more as I upgrade, I installed 2 rapid LED custom kits I had laying around under the hood to allow anemone growth and maybe some corals once they settle in place,

here it is so far

I have a jaebo wp-10 on order to increase my flow, the coarline has run rampant and looks gear imo but it is not growing on the foam parts of the wall so I will need to think of something to fix this
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