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Old 03-14-2015, 10:18 PM
Magma Magma is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 341
Magma is on a distinguished road

I will admit in the past I havent always used QT methods. I try to never buy a fish that is looking weaker I try to pick out healthy looking fish when I buy them.

But the last round of fish I tired out was 6 Bicolor Anthias. I had them in QT for about a week and saw them all eating and acting normal. I added them to my tank and they all went straight into the rocks like I was expecting them to. I would say in less than 20 days I went from seeing all 6 to not seeing any of them, almost like they are being picked off one by one. No abnormal tank spikes, all the other fish seem normal, corals are doing fine & the ones that lasted always came out quickly to feed.

Needless to say loosing 6 fish in a month really turned me off of anything for the tank in the last 8 months. Just been doing regular water changes and cleaning the glass, really frustrated with it and im slowly working my way back up to trying more but I dont want to be stung from something I might be able to avoid.
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