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Old 03-14-2015, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by daplatapus View Post
I've read doing a re-aquascape will blur the territorial lines and start everyone off from scratch. Any way of moving a few things?
I've personally never had any success with this method. The territories that the fish we have the most problems with (tangs in particular) have 'territories' in the wild that are dozens to hundreds of times larger than most people's tanks. Some don't even maintain territories.

I don't think it's an issue of most fish thinking "hey, this tiny pile of rocks is my pile of rocks", it's an issue of another fish with features or colouration that triggers aggressive tendencies in them being placed inside what they would normally consider their personal space and them not being able to get away from each other. Eventually they just used to one another, but I don't think re-arranging the rocks has much of an impact on their psychology beyond scaring everyone in to a corner while your arms are in the tank.
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