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Old 03-12-2015, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by toytech View Post
If there all in series if the fist one on the line blows it will kill all the rest after it , same as if you have a gfi contolling several outlets . Or is there a different way to wire them up so they don't do that?
Wire the devices in parallel. Means a lot of splices/marette connections, more wiring & cost of additional GFCI outlets. Essentially you continue to the next GFCI outlet by running wire from a marette splice instead of from the load terminals on the first GFCI outlet.

I think it's overkill as well to have 13, but I guess it depends on how many heaters, pumps, etc. you have & how critical you consider them on your system. I have 2 GFCI outlets each on a different circuit breaker. Haven't experienced a nuisance trip yet or tank crash as a result of GFCI shenanigans.
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