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Old 03-01-2015, 11:23 PM
mkj mkj is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: north vancouver
Posts: 14
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sorry to hear some frags went missing, was a great swap. I only stayed an hour, left early because I was worried about my frags just floating around and someone taking them. Was too easy for mistakes to happen.

suggestion: next time have a tendent watching over a large plastic bin with a heater and small power head full of fresh water. For a $1 people can float their bags in bin with their name and number of bags written on bags. Tenent controls the bin and buyer can now enjoy event as long as he likes and tendent makes some money.

When buyer comes back he tells tendent name and how many bags. Tendent gets bags from bin with name and # of bags matching. No way someone would know buyers name and how many bags. Maybe one or the other but odds are low would know both.

I think this could be implemented easy, and tendent of bags will make several hundred dollars in process considering number of bags that were floating over course of event.

Make sure the buyers know that if something does go missing it's not tenents fault though.
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