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Old 02-21-2015, 11:40 PM
sdeschutter sdeschutter is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Surrey
Posts: 35
sdeschutter is on a distinguished road

Yes I have.I have mushrooms,lps(hammer, octospawn, candy cane,alveopora, elegance coral,plate coral) and sps(birdnest, acropora,catpaw poci) and they are all healthy growing really nice,except for some sps,some of them they grow very slow but I would blame the lights for that,have led lights.I have them for 2 years now and I hado the uv on for about a year and I didn't notice no difference on my corals after I set it up.I think most off the fears about uv is not true, it doesn't kill the good bacteria,this bacteria lives on rock surface and just a small amount free swimming.I have it It works perfectly for me I have no issue with my fish, they never get sick and I have about 10 tangs wich are known for getting ich super fast but since I have the uv is disease free
I'm happy to hear that. I think a UV may be one of my next purchases.

Got my first quarantine tank set up I'm just making sure that the parameters are the same as my display tank salinity temperature and then I will start putting the fish in. I got some PVC elbows and now I have my trap in my display tank to try to catch these fish. Soon as I put the trap in the DT with food in it the shrimp was in there within five seconds. The fish are starting to get curious and you can see them getting closer and closer to the trap but I haven't got one yet. It's been a half hour.

Btw I decided to go with the tank transfer method after all. After all the reading I've done I just feel that that's the safest and easiest. So I will be switching the fish to a different tank with same water parameters every three days for six transfers.
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