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Old 02-21-2015, 03:28 PM
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Default How and how long do you quarantine corals and other inverts?

Aquattro has covered fish quarantine pretty good but what about corals and other inverts? How do you do it? How long are you doing it for? It's a little different than fish and from what I understand tank transfer methods won't work without the fish host so to be absolutely sure ich has not made it on any of these guys they really need to remain in fishless environments for 72 days. Who does this though? How do you do it? The big problem for me is I go shopping a lot more then once every 72 months. While I do have a frag tank, unless it's a frag or I'm not sure where I'm placing it I rarely keep corals in there for more than a couple of weeks unless it's a grow out piece. I recently got a new cleaner shrimp which I put in there but it will be very hard not to add anything else long term before adding him to my display.

For snails I do use the frag tank sometimes but again adding anything else means something could latch onto the snails. I do have a 90 gallon garden eel tank that I typically try and swap out the snails.

Long term I hope to one day have a much larger display than my 180. At that time I am thinking of changing up the frag setup to several smaller tanks that could be plumbed together and then valves closed as new arrivals are added. I'm curious to see anyone who has a large scale system like this because if you only have 1 QT tank it would take the rest of your life to fill the tank if you're lucky.
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