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Old 02-17-2015, 02:55 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lyalta, East of Calgary
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How is the footprint under a cube smaller than a comparable rectangular tank? 24x24 is the same as 36x16 or 48x12. In fact cube tanks make it easier to have a stand that can accessed from all sides so if anything you're at an advantage. In general sounds to me the space issues you guys are having relates more to fitting a lot of equipment under a small tank, not a cube tank specifically. You'd probably use the same equipment if you up'd the tank size to 30x30 or even 36x36.

The biggest disadvantage I had was light and flow as others mentioned, not so much an issue with a 24x24 but with 30x30 or 36x36 problems start to rise since most lights are designed for a 24x24 footprint. Cubes usually have 3 main viewing panels as appose to one so it's less desirable to place power heads on the sides so you're usually forced to have all source flow on the back which again becomes more problematic the bigger you go in footprint.

Advantages I liked was the amount of accessible space under the stand, in fact I ended actually putting a second display tank under the main although I did later end up moving equipment in the room behind but not out of necessity. I liked the aquascape and coral placement potential for 3 viewing panels and the overall presence of the tank was significant.
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