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Old 02-07-2015, 12:41 AM
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corpusse corpusse is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 394
corpusse is on a distinguished road

Can someone explain to me how a fish can die from qt? Cleaner or equal water to your display, less current, more hiding spots, lower light and less competition for food. Plus the fact they can live their whole lives without a worry of so much as a single white spot.

I've lost my fair share of fish in qt but very few in my display tank. I am however still guilty of not quarantining everything. While I do dip all corals I occasionally put them directly in display and often within a week or 2. I guess the biggest problem outside of being impatient is I'd only be able to shop for stuff once every 72 days or get like 5 qt tanks. Currently I use a 55 gallon for fish and a 20 gallon if I buy anything while I'm already have fish in qt. I use my frag tank to qt snails crabs and other things but coral do not often make it the entire time. Perhaps eventually I will get a second frag tank as I worry about my Achilles every time I add a coral but never when I add a fish.
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