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Old 01-21-2015, 12:15 AM
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jon.smolders jon.smolders is offline
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Originally Posted by Pike View Post
10 months and your rocks are bare, no coraline algae , nada!. theres no life in those rocks. Something is really wrong. Almost seems like what you have is lack of beneficial bacteria on your rocks thus the milky water. I would get a piece of better live rock with lots of life on it and some sand from a established tank or buy prodibio . It looks like you just put water in it yesterday.
I did dose microbacter7 for a while when I first started the tank.

I do have some form of pods living between the glass and my algae magnet (I assume they must be living in the rock as well), and I get those really tiny little starfish looking white bugs on the glass (I forget what they're called!). I also have tiny spots where coraline started to take hold on the rocks and back glass, but I'm pretty sure the reason it stopped growing was because of the low alkalinity.

Anyway, there is some life. Not as much as I would like but its there.
~ Jon

"Resolved, that I will live so as I shall wish I had done when I come to die."
(Jonathan Edwards, 1722)
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