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Old 01-17-2015, 12:20 AM
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jon.smolders jon.smolders is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Fort St. John, BC
Posts: 64
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No its not cyano... its just a white haze in the water column. Yes, I skim 24/7... fairly wet too but it doesn't seem to have an effect on the bacteria. I have two powerheads near the surface giving me good surface agitation. I'm pretty sure its bacterial because of the low pH and alkalinity. I am open to other suggestions however. Bad bucket of salt? I use Reef Crystals and just opened a fresh bucket and have some water mixing for a 30% water change. Maybe the last bucket was bad? Could magnesium or calcium precipitate out into the water and cloud it for months?

Here's a pic from the side

~ Jon

"Resolved, that I will live so as I shall wish I had done when I come to die."
(Jonathan Edwards, 1722)
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