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Old 01-13-2015, 11:58 AM
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Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Aqua-Digital is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
AD, do you always try to get exclusive right on product distribution in Canada? If you can enlighten me those products that would be great. Thanks
In the main yes, it is a business strategy that works as we can then invest in large amounts of stock without the risk of it being devalued by someone who may not be as ethical in terms of price point. Too many think this industry is a game even a hobby at business level and do not understand its actually someones income to survive (no different than someone working for someone or running their own business) This industry is full of people running off shoots of their own stable income to make some pocket money, so we insist on exclusiveness to protect "our family income"

Business protection is one of the first lessons in business school

Our 3 out of 4 of our main lines are exclusive, another one might as well be and is considered exclusive as nobody else really carries it and we are working on another one for this year with another European large manufacturer.

"Smaller" lines that are not are under risk of being dropped by us this year as we tighten our business model

We do not discuss openly what is exclusive or not this internal business sorry not for the open forum