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Old 01-07-2015, 06:58 AM
Ranchu50 Ranchu50 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Coquitlam
Posts: 31
Ranchu50 is on a distinguished road
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over time, my interest wavered up and down. Family life and other hobbies kept creeping up. The biocube ran well and was easy to maintain.

There was spurts of time where I didnt do a water change in 2 months. Then other times where I did water changes every week.

I picked up a bi-coloured blenny, who did well for a year, but then magicAlly disappeared.
I tried two yellow clown gobies who were a pain in the ass to feed. They too died over time.

Finally on Boxing day 2013, I picked up A beautiful Royal gramma who has taught me quite a bit on how to get into the habbit of feeding frozen food.

Throughout 2014, I researched the heck out of the internet to find the most economical, efficient way in upgrading the Biocube's crappy power compact lighting.
It didnt make sense to me, that I have to replace these bulbs to keep my corals thriving, and to eliminate terrible algae blooms.

the Biocube is definitely the perfect starter tank, but it definitely is just that. Its a tank that is easy to run, maintain and keep but there is very limited options you have when it comes to fish selection, coral choice and tank upgrades.

In December of 2014, I found a great deal on a Red Sea Max 250, 65 gallon tank! It was too hard to resist!!!!!
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