Originally Posted by gregzz4
OK, with financial restrictions I can see a build such as your's taking time
I'll admit I went waaay over budget on mine and it took some time to recover
So I'll give ya some leeway
Anything left to buy, or is it just build time now ? C'mon c'mon
This is how I spend my work days, being pressured with parts/time restraints
And ya, you've got all night and 2 days
Honestly though, when do you think you're going to get it salty ? You still have to test your flow - mess with pumps, valves etc ...
At least get that RO running so you're ready
I'm on vacation until the 19th, so plenty of time, no excuses left.
Still need:
Apex PM2
Netgear wifi
Test kits
ATO and dosing hoses
Probe holder
Pocket change really!