Thread: lastlight's 93
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Old 12-30-2014, 05:06 AM
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lastlight lastlight is offline
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lastlight has a spectacular aura aboutlastlight has a spectacular aura aboutlastlight has a spectacular aura about

better sneak an update in before year's end! after letting the tank do its thing for a long time i've been doing regular water changes for the last couple months and changing my media again. things have been colouring back up and it's been really nice to see things turn around and start growing again. i've been battling zoanthid eating nudis and manually suck them off my colonies as best i can and have a melanurus now which seems to also be helping. my sps troubles seem to be turning around as well. one day i hope to have a RED red planet!

couple fts i'm not overly thrilled with to start with. i can't get back far enough to use the macro for fts which i love the look of. my cheap kit 18-70mm is the only one that can fit it all in.

My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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