Thread: Roku Questions
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Old 11-23-2014, 06:03 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by mikellini View Post
We watch most of the good stuff on the home theatre projector downstairs, it's hooked up to a HTPC so we can download/stream most anything after a quick search. For other devices we do things a bit differently...

It's quite easy to set up an American iTunes account, and to purchase gift cards on eBay to use instead of a credit card. If you have an Apple TV, you can pay for Hulu+ and most other subscription services with your iTunes account, and coupled with UnblockUS, you can watch most anything on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV. Now, it remains to be seen what will happen with the new Apple TV and programming launch that should be coming next year, but I think it will only get better.
Roku is set up the same way. My Hulu+ is paid through my Roku account, Amazon Prime is the same but I deleted it already. The interface is brutal, the search engine only works for individually paid shows. I went online with my computer to see if it's any better but it's exactly the same. So far I'm liking this setup, $21 a month on one credit card vs $80 and I get way more TV shows and movies. Land line is going as well since our cell plan has unlimited talk and text, so saving another $30 a month. I was looking at Teksavvy as my ISP provider so I could get rid of Telus completely but a quick message to Unblockus said they've had a lot of issues supporting them and didn't recommend it.
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