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Old 11-14-2014, 03:49 AM
Skim Skim is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Brantford,ON.Canada
Posts: 43
Skim is on a distinguished road

Well got the RO Classic 150 INT on Monday the Nov,.10 and installed it after giving a quick Vinegar bath. So far I am impressed with this skimmer it as quite as the Omega and it skims quite well so far. Turbulent until about 3 inches from the top and settles then very fine bubbles to where the cup meets the body and then getting nice pea size bubbles up the neck to bottom of cup and starts to change to large soapy like bubbles that you can see are brown, then gets to top and starts to form a thick like dense foam that is blown over the edge and slowly slides down. It pulls about 300 to 400 lph according to my Aquamedic air meter. The Omega pulls about 500 to 600 Lph so both are not close to what they say but the one that does surprise me is the Curve 9 that say 800 to 900 and pulls well over 1000 Lph meter stops at 1000 and buy how much I have to turn the Valve closed on the Meter to get the ball back down I would say it pulls 1200 to 1500, sucks a massive amount of air. I wish I could figure out how to post pic`s as I took some of the 9 and what it produced in 4 days. I have a 1 Gal. drain bucket and in 4 days was almost half full of blackish green stinky matter and I use Socks and I also use Pellets so that may account for some.
That's it so far I will update if anything new comes up.

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