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Old 11-12-2014, 01:27 PM
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whatcaneyedo whatcaneyedo is offline
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I feel so old school. I use a Reeflo Dart for my return and I've got a Hammerhead still in its box ready for my next upgrade. I hate the look of powerheads so I get my flow from the return or closed loop and I prefer external because I have heat issues during the summer. The only issue I have with them is that eventually the drive shaft seals will go so I need to have some spares in a drawer ready for when that happens. It really depends on how much flow you're looking for I guess. If you want under 1000gph anything by Reeflo is likely too big.
"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour

Last edited by whatcaneyedo; 11-12-2014 at 01:30 PM.
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