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Old 11-12-2014, 05:24 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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I've gone through a number of Mag pumps for a whole slew of applications as they are cheap and get the job done... but they are noisy SOBs! As they get older they start to rattle more and no matter how much you try to dampen them there is a constant hum from the tank.

I just put a new Sicce PSK1000 on my skimmer and I keep having to check to see if the thing is still on because it's so quiet. I think my pump allegiance is beginning to change...

From the Sicce on my skimmer I am impressed thus far with Sicce. On some equipment for work (which is in my office next to my bedroom) I have an Eheim 1262 - in general it is pretty quiet but it does have a fairly noticeable hum to it. Granted it's not inside of a tank stand but I can hear the hum from the pump in my bedroom.
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