Thread: Magnesium?
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Old 11-04-2014, 05:00 AM
Wretch Wretch is offline
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Posts: 402
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Originally Posted by View Post
IMO you're wasting your money with tech m unless you're trying to get rid of bryopsis, dont get me wrong, its a good product but there are cheaper alternatives that work just as well (just dont get rid of bryopsis). Bulk checmicals are the way to go, you're not paying for water that way, 2.99 (or somewhere around that) gets you a lb of bulk magnesium chloride, calcium chloride or soda ash.
I thought about getting bulk chemicals for magnesium as I did for calcium and alkalinity but I didn't research it before hitting the store. So when I am out of tech-m I will go that way.

Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
Rome wasn't built in a day. -10 months isn't a very long time, your system isn't very mature and most LPS are relatively slow growers. Sit back, relax, keep everything in check, continue researching and good things will happen.
It wasn't that my LPS weren't growing it was that nothing was growing. Not one new polyp on any of my zoas or palys. Some even seemed to be shrinking.

Hoping once I get my numbers straightened out to use pickling lime in my ATO to maintain them.

thanks all.
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