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Old 10-30-2014, 04:57 PM
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Originally Posted by halwake View Post
Been using for over a month. Cleaning glass much less, LPS does not seem as happy, SPS looks fine, clam and anemone all good. My RODI unit had put some crap in the tank after the DI resin must have expired and got a cyano out break. This had cleared up now with the cubes, I have heavy fish load and feed pretty heavy as well. Have the cubes placed next to my skimmer output. Seem to do what they say, like I said though, my torch, and hammer coral has not seemed super happy.

Hope this helps.

Yah I haven't seen any cyano yet, but I've also stopped using GFO. I noticed my elegance looked a little angry last night and my one acan colony hasn't really been inflating. But my cowfish also nibbles it when his teeth need grinding (hence why I only have one), so it might be coincidence.

What I was so surprised by was the marked colour change in such a short period. Bio pellets shrink at a nearly imperceptible rate, but even if you spill them in your sump they're as white as the day you bought them 6 months later. A colour change is one of the best indicators of chemical reactions, including biologically mediated reactions.

Who knows, maybe they put some colour changing indicator in the mix to make you think something is happening, but it's a pretty impressive feedback
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