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Old 10-30-2014, 01:56 PM
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Cujo#31 Cujo#31 is offline
Proofed by Wheelman
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 204
Cujo#31 is on a distinguished road
Default My home built 500

First....please don't laugh, this tank has only been running for 2 months now. This project started about a year and a half ago with the realization a 55 just ain't gonna do...... And the subsequent acquisition of a free 12 foot long tank. It was only 10" deep though so I says "how hard could it be to build a tank? That's it. I'm building me a man cave". With a tank this big, I had to build the tank first, then I built my mancave around it. This tank has become the bane of my awesome, ever so patient wife's existence. But thru it all she may not embrace the hobby, but she at least tolerates it. Which is all I can ask.
I made 1 crtical aesthetic error that drives me over the bend. Obviously missed a bit of dust on final wipe down of primer/sealer coat and finish color coat is paint flaking in a few spots. But a guy with a beauty system, Slyguy made the pill a little easier to swallow. "Load up the tank and make sure stuff grows to cover it". There is a bit of algae on back wall but most of my fish like to graze so no harm no foul. U ROCK NICK...LMMFAO. Now the "evil reefer" bug has taken over. Gonna start moving this from pathetic mixed reef to SPS dominant....that should take a while and keep me busy.
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