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Old 10-25-2014, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
Paul already tried that. Didn't work. You can PM me if you want to discuss this further though.
PM is ok for anyone who has EASY access and wide open schedules. For most of us I'm sure trips to LFS go more like this......."hey, days going well, I actally have some free time right now I'm swingin by the LFS to see what they hace cuz I've been looking for a......" (insert your most recent search item) or maybe one of those random " hey I'm in the neighborhood (within 20 kms lmao) I should swing by and see what they have cuz i have some time right now"
Not sure how many of us have the luxury of "scheduling" a visit to LFS. Although there may be enough people to support a business that operates this way. Hell I'm quite certain those who are independantly wealthy and not in need of a job, and have no wife, kids, mortgage.....where time means nothing can function that way....yes Im being vexatious.
You had some nice quality looking livestock and considering the sqare footage a good selection last time I was able to visit. I may speak for many of us who have very little free time, and value that free time more than breathing, and get ****ed when we hit the lottery and free time shows up, and we wind up ****ing that time away driving to a locked door. In the time it takes to send, and recieve a PM......something else has filled that free time, like a guaranteed open door.
End game here. I have either started or ended my salt water fetish cruises of LFS from Abby to Bby at your shop 4 times now, someone else is holding about $800.00 of my hard earned money.
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