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Old 10-22-2014, 07:11 AM
jhj0112 jhj0112 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 89
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Default does any have Pygmy yellowtail angelfish(Centropyge flavicauda) ??

Ok I have been looking for a dwarf angelfish after I lost a beautiful flame angelfish..

When I first saw this fish at LFS, I thought it was pygmy cherub angelfish and it was only $18.. So I thought " this is very good deal", bought it and put it my tank.

After 30mins of watching this fish, I realize something is odd.. it turns out that this actually is pygmy yellowtail angelfish(different than cherub)...

Does anyone have this fish? what's your experience with this fish? I know it's hit and miss on all dwarf angles but will this nip at corals or possibly clams?

I still love this angelfish so I would like to keep him. He/she is in RSM 130 with a pair of clownfish, a banggai cardinal, shrimp goby and a cleaner shrimp.
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