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Old 10-03-2014, 04:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Next time, don't use so much GFO. 1 tbsp per 30 gallons changed out every 2-3 weeks is much "safer" than adding a whack and changing it out every 6-8 weeks.
Added note... in my experience, mature tanks shouldn't need GFO, and usually do better without it.
So, you're advocating using roughly 50mls of GFO in my 105 system, instead of the BRS recommended 225mls ? ( For my tank they recommend 0.86 cups )

Your ammount equates to;
105/30=3.5 Tbsp

I get all the hype about selling product and such, and some may not change their media when they should, but that's a big difference

I'm asking as I'm considering your recommendation for 3 reasons;
1 - I have GHA that I suspect is living off the iron from the GFO
2 - My corals have become 'too green' after the last GFO I bought
3 - I'm looking to cut costs

I'm also considering cutting GFO out of my tank's diet altogether as it's getting old enough now
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