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Old 09-22-2014, 01:22 PM
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Skimmerking Skimmerking is offline
acanthastrea freak
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Location: Virden, Manitoba
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Well I have owned pretty much everything thing out there. With your 220 gal tank. What else do you have the reason is. the red dragon pump is in a league of its own. It requires a load to work. the Alpha series skimmers are a amazing skimmer. IMHO when you look at AppLes and oranges that is great.
But its the pump that you are looking at now the plastic or the fancy stuff that comes with it. Lots of people love the recirulating skimmers I lvoe them. People think that havign a recir skimmer you can still pump the water through at the same pace as the insump skimmers. ANSWER IS NO you cant. its called over flowing the skimmer. But that is another subject. Remember all the vendors on here are going to tell yo uthis skimmer is better or that skimmer is better. Sorry vendors Im speaking my mind and giving my opinion.

Its called buy from me this skimmer is the best. IS It? please explain why. So I personally look at the name brands, Why BK, ALpha, DELTEC, H&S why cause well thier name is on the product. they have got their name on high quality pumps. other then Euro reef i while back they had the sedra pump and that was a crappy pump. then they switched to EHIem and look at them go. Took a few years to get them back.

220 gal right
sump Size
bio load
chemicals u use
type of fish u have
corals you have
room for insump
room for external

please let me know in a PM and I will give you what I think you shoudl have for a honest opinion. and trust me not blowing my horn but I know my skimmers ask around. Hence the user name

oh yes and when some one says look at my skimmer in 2 days it pulled 2 collection cups already/ hmmmmm maybe its due to being under rated skimmer.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
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