Thread: ? Tiger Goby ?
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Old 09-05-2014, 07:52 PM
hfp75 hfp75 is offline
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Default ? Tiger Goby ?

I am looking at two needs for a new tank I am setting up, sand sifting & a watchmen for my Randalls.

I can use separate fish for this BUT I have been reading and looking around at a Tiger Goby:

I am wondering though.... They are commonly found online as Tiger Watchmen Goby but yet they are in the family with the sleeper gobys (Valenciennea).... Is it a Prawn Goby or a Sleeper (sand sifter) Goby ?? Or is it a Sand sifter that will live with a shrimp? So theoretically then he'll be out of the den more....

I used to have a Yellow Watchman and he earned the name watchman as he was always with the shrimp. Maybe these Tiger Gobys are not as co-dependant as a YWG ? They get out and sift but yet go 'home' with the shrimps ?

Anyone got any experience with these fish ?

Last edited by hfp75; 09-05-2014 at 07:57 PM.
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