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Old 08-24-2014, 04:03 PM
iceman86 iceman86 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: edmonton
Posts: 246
iceman86 is on a distinguished road

I now vacuum my sandbed religiously. Im on my third sandbed in about 2.5 years because of the old theory "dont touch your sand bed". Both of my first 2 sandbeds had cyano and then had dinos. Twards the end of my second sandbed I started vacuuming and it started to help but I already had so much crap buildup, the dinos just kept coming back. Everytime I vacummed the water was so dirty and stunk but the water in my tank was crystal clear. Both times after removing the sandbed, it took about a month for the dinos to dissapear off the rocks but it did. I also thought my dry rock was the cause but it wasnt. Since adding my new sandbed and cleaning it often I dont get that dirty water and smell from the sandbed anymore.

On my old sandbeds I constantly had to run gfo and carbon dose to keep the nutrients down. Since vacuuming on a regular basis I dont run anything anymore. Ive never had so much growth and color like I do now.

Anyone who has seen my system knows I run a super clean system of sps and some high end finiky sps as well, so you all know what it takes to keep those alive. Its not a matter of overfeeding or anything, its just buildup over time and it eventually will give you a world of problems.

A lot of info floating around this hobby is a bunch of bogus and I learned that the hard way. Its stuff people read from somewhere from a guy who doesnt know jack about this hobby and people run with this crap. Talk to people who have had successful tanks for years and they will guide you in the right direction. Too many people with only a couple months in this hobby making up and preaching rules about stuff they have never seen or experienced.

Everyones tank is different so learn your tank not someone elses. Follow the basic reefing rules and then play from there.

Just my 2 cents on my observations.
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