Thread: Nem rant
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Old 08-22-2014, 06:32 PM
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Default Nem rant

Grrr so frustrated right now. I bought this beautiful nem probably in.... I want to say February.... and it was teeeeny tiny. Like, maybe the size of a decent cookie. Now it's a freaking MONSTER and I am debating getting rid of it altogether.

It is the centerpiece of my tank, but it is pretty much taking over the whole thing. I have had to move all my sps because it decided to stretch out and sting it all, it tried to eat a piece of my birdsnest and actually ended up puncturing itself, and now it is starting to sting my toadstools and mushrooms.

It hasn't ever split, and I am afraid to split it myself in case I end up killing it. Then I would just feel bad. The con to getting rid of it though is twofold. I'm super attached to everything in my tank, and I would have so much empty space for sps but the stuff I've got isn't doing so hot anyways. blarghhh!!!!!!

end rant.

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