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Old 08-06-2014, 03:06 PM
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Madreefer Madreefer is offline
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Originally Posted by gottafindnemo View Post
So, the blooms happen during cycle, my cuc wont die if i add them during cycle? Sorry if these questions are stupid lol
Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I've setup several tanks over the years and have never seen any diatom blooms. But months later I've had red cyano pop up. Some people have had all different kinds of blooms suddenly appear years in. That all depends on several factors. You might want to add some test kits to your order and learn to use them. A tip when adding your sand is to fill up your tank and add sand last. Don't just dump it in but fill up a large bowl and reach in and slowly distribute it along the bottom. Way less cloud action happens. Your gonna get a wet arm but get used to it if you stick it out in the hobby.
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