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Old 07-28-2014, 07:35 PM
theokie theokie is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Millet, AB
Posts: 117
theokie is on a distinguished road
Default Eye health good for Coral Health

So I just came back from getting my new glasses and lets just say a whole new world of exciting things opened up.

I bought a tank shutdown from a customer of mine a few months back and with it came a very weird hammer coral. This hammer coral had weird purple spots that resembled coraline algae, that is what the seller even told me it was.

Now that I am armed with my new glasses, my frag tank was now in HD. And my mystery purple coraline spots turned out to be a massive flatworm infestation. Having spread from the initial hammer coral to the adjoining mushrooms.

So armed with a fresh water dip it appears I'm hopefully on the way to taming this newly "eye opening" pest.

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