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Old 07-26-2014, 09:34 PM
hfp75 hfp75 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: calgary ab
Posts: 431
hfp75 is on a distinguished road

Thought I'd post a little update...

Thanks for the information from the other threads. My endevours are not yet complete....

Bucket that is curing... Doing well, no fowl smells & no more mold on top. I have been dumping the water and replacing it with my old tank water whenever I do a water change. Most of the visible algae is gone, just a bit of green hair..... its still in the dark with a heater, power head & an air stone. I put in 4 small crabs to start munching on whatever is edible in there. I'll be doing a water change tonight so I will see how its looking farther down towards the bottom of the bucket as well as the parameters.

Cleaning and cooking rock... As you initially saw I dunked it all into a Muratic Acid / water bath. Then the rock was subjected to two soaks in a bleach bucket. First soak was 2 cups of bleach and 2-3 days, followed by a rinse and another 2 cups with another 2-3 days of soaking time, then it was rinsed and soaked in water for about 5 days. No more bleach smell and it all came out onto my table top.

(I'll probably need to run a dechlorinator when I start it in a new tank due to the possibility of residual bleach)

I have now started the same process for the second batch of rock.

It'll take a few days but by the end of the month it'll be complete.

Once its all done then the rock is ready to start cooking.

I will have to decide if the rock I am 'curing' is going to be clean enough to run in a tank or if it will need the acid / bleach / cooking treatment first. We will wait and see.

Last edited by hfp75; 07-26-2014 at 09:40 PM.
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