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Old 07-10-2014, 11:13 PM
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Wheelman76 Wheelman76 is offline
Jedi Master Reefer
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Posts: 617
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How many Berghia did you add the last two times you tried? As far as cyano goes , it's such a huge pain to deal with. It smothers everything and just stresses me out looking at it , not to mention all the time spent syphoning it. I've always been to afraid to use chemi clean because after all it is a chemical. A few weeks ago I decided to give it a shot and wow did it work well. Very easy to use , I just followed the instructions waited 48 hours did a 25% water change and changed the carbon. I used the trick that some member on here mentioned (sorry cant remember who it was ) and put the skimmer cup on at an angle so most of the water would pour back out but the skimmer would still be able to skim a little. To my amazement my skimmer was running normally with the lid seated properly within 45 minutes after doing the water change.
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