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Old 05-13-2014, 08:16 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lyalta, East of Calgary
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sphelps is on a distinguished road

I'd stick with your original plan of buying a bubble king. Yes other skimmers work like so many have kindly pointed out but in terms of long term reliability and overall build quality BK will likely always be the popular choice. My SM250 has been in service for close to ten years now and not only has it never had an issue it's still regarded as one of the best skimmers available and still sells today, virtually unchanged, for the same or more than what I paid 10 years ago. Is there another brand that can say the same?

As far as the size choice between 150 or 180 it's pretty simple. 150 if you have no intention of adding more volume and 180 if you do... With BK skimmers you're better off sizing it properly than going overkill, if you go too big it won't be as effective.
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