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Old 04-27-2014, 06:23 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
busy with fresh water.
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Originally Posted by EquiReef View Post
So we set up our first reef tank in December. One is no longer enough. We just purchased a 35gal, a 75gal and a 135 gallon as well as a 35 gallon sump/fuge. Go big or go home right?

I want the 135gal to be a frag/coral tank only. Possibly with a section divided off for anemones. The other tanks can be used for sumps/fuges etc.

What size sump and what set up am I best to go with? The 135 is not drilled but is VERY thick and I believe tempered, will this be an issue to drill and is there a way to do it without drilling. My husband is a tool and die maker so I wouldn't be going at this endeavour on my own and he is pretty handy.

Best bet for lights?( don't want MH)

Skimmer?(do I need one?how big)

Powerheads? Or some other form of water movement?

Sandbed or no sandbed?

Basically just looking for any and all advice that can be offered.

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Hi I've had a 90 gallon reef set up for 1.5 years and have enjoyed it a lot, it's a big learning curve with a few hiccup's along the way but a lot of fun.
I'll try and offer some advice from my experiences.

135 Frag tank: you probably could get away with the 35 g sump.
If you don't want drill then I would go with a good quality HOB over flow,
I recommend this brand >
I used one on my first 50 g setup and it worked very well, never failed once.

Lights: You could use HO T-5 lighting, but for a frag tank I would go with a higher end LED system. I use and recommend these> I run AI sols on my 90 g with glass tops and they do a great job with most corals and are fully programmable.

Skimmer: If your doing frags only and a few inverts you may be able to get away without one with having a low bio load. I always had a few chromis in my frag tank to create a little more bio load and ran a skimmer. Vertex is a good choice and they offer most sizes.

Powerheads: Good flow in the tank is a must, a couple is a good idea.

Bare bottom or not : I went BB with frag tank simply because it was easier cleaning.
Hope this helps.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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