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Old 04-21-2014, 12:56 PM
04V10 04V10 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Cold Lake
Posts: 124
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Default Cyano breakout during/the end of Cycle

Hey guys,

I'm having an issue with my Nano (10 gallon) at work. I started the cycle around 6 weeks ago on this little guy with 10lbs of live rock and a small amount of live sand on the bottom (maybe an inch deep).

Everything was looking normal until week 4, which I saw a brownish stain on the sand and though oh great, the diatoms are already starting. However they weren't. This brown stain spread all over the sand and live rock with a brown slime and is trapping bubbles just like red cyano.

I test my water and of course I don't see any phosphates as they are all being chewed up by this stuff, plus no ammonia, nitrite, or nitrates.

Week 5 I said screw it, and I did a 50% water change and sucked up as much of it as I could. However, within 4-5 days it came back, not as bad, but the stringy slime is starting to grow like crazy again.

I never had this with my other tank, just the diatoms and then my CUC handled everything great, but this brown slime is crazy. I killed the lights this morning and will keep them off, however I'm not too sure if I should use some chemistry to get rid of this stuff (chemi clean) just yet.

I'm on week 6 and things still test the same and look the same. Tons of pods cruising around as well. Any info or advice that you guys could give me would be great. Lots of flow in the tank currently, and I have battled red cyano in my 20 gal and it has never come back.

I'd like to get this reef
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