Thread: fml flatworms
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Old 04-09-2014, 09:35 PM
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Is cooking the rocks really required? I thought AEFW always laid their eggs on the skeleton of the coral they were munching on, I didn't think they would go out in to the rock work to lay eggs? Baby AEFW would need to be very close to a food source when they hatched, so laying eggs out in a desert (relative to something as small as a newly hatched flatworm) seems like a behaviour evolution would have nipped in the bud pretty early on.

I suppose it's better safe than sorry, but separating your corals from their life-support system for that long seems like a situation where the cure can be worse than the disease.

You definitely need to inspect the corals you do have very carefully though, all that work will be for naught if you missed a teeny tiny cluster of eggs wedged in the crook of a branch. Even half of a mm of exposed skeleton is enough for them to lay eggs on.
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