Thread: Picky eater
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Old 03-22-2014, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by brotherd View Post
Thanks for the replies.I feed purple seaweed and nori in a clip.Also pe mysis and cyclopeze alternated with nutrafin flakes and pellets. Doesn't seem interested in any of it but does graze on the rockwork so he is eating,just not very much.He is new to my tank and only about 4.5 inches long.
As long as he is picking at rock work u and ur fish should be fine. New to the tank...sometimes until they find their comfort zone and truely acclimate (which can take some time) what they get off the rocks will be fine until they realize the other crap that randomly floats around from time to time is actually pretty yummy.
Being in a closed system and not the wide open ocean their nutrient intake does not have to be as high because he doesnt swim as far. If u dont have any super sensitive corals u could try lowering salinity for a short period to around 1.20. Lower saline levels reduces stress on fish.
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