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Old 03-18-2014, 10:20 PM
Basile Basile is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Gatineau Ottawa Canada
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Originally Posted by Masonjames View Post
Guess I fall under the category of cleaning lady with my giant vacuum and spatula destroying the entire ecosystem and biological diversity of my tank while making my tanks filtration suffer.

What do you think is in your sand bed that you don't already have in your live rock? Why is actively removing debris from a closed system destroying an ecosystem and why should my filtration be negatively affected from doing so? Is my tank then less capable of processing and filtering then yours is? Is my cleaning lady approach setting my tank up for failure and yours has a far greater chance for success because you keep this "vital and unique" ecosystem intact?

How is the filtration effected? Why should I not clean my sand on a regular bases? And why should I only do so when my tank is experiencing problems as you suggested? Why is doing it then a good idea and not the rest of the time? And what problems actually constitute an appropriate time to do and why does that problem lead you to believe you in fact should be cleaning your sand bed?

So should I get on board with you and put this to rest because us crazy sand cleaning people need to know the facts and that the notion of actively remove debris from our systems via maintaining the sand bed is just silly and if doing so where are actually just tyrants of our ecosystem and creating shortcomings for our tanks filtering and processing capabilities?

I don't care if you don't want to flush that toilet you call a sand bed by actually maintaining it but i don't think its appropriate to label those of us out there who do as "this group", "these clean freaks" and try to imply we are doing something wrong and you need to create some thread to out it all to rest so we finally get it! I would hate for a new person in the hobby to read your post and come to the conclusion they should not be cleaning and maintaing there sand
So all those who don't do what YOU preach and have great tanks no nitrate issues for years , how do you explain that. i used the clean freaks because we're bombarded by you people all the time about it. In my club 2 of you came and started bullying the rest into doing thats, as if it was a crusade, your aggressive deffence versus when i say its a question of style and a choice , you've gone Off the chart , like the same who came into are quiet club and started this issue. Now because you and your crusades it has split everybody for no reason than self gratification i guess. Thats why i've posted in every site i could think of and see the result, talked to all the LFS i could find and see. It is a personal choice no doubt about it a style, because it seems to be split in the middle. So again those who dont do it and have no issue how do account for that?

Last edited by Basile; 03-18-2014 at 10:27 PM.
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